Sewer Certification and Connection Permits

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Any time a project requires connecting to a City sewer, DEP must approve that the sewer can accept the storm and/or sanitary discharge. A sewer certification is required for any new connection to a City sewer, a private sewer, a private drain, a septic system, or an approved outlet. Sewer certification may also be required for an alteration or renovation that increases the sanitary and/or storm flow generated on the site. Please consult the New York City Department of Buildings for specific criteria on alterations and renovations. Sewer certifications must be submitted by New York State licensed Professional Engineers or Registered Architects on behalf of an owner/developer. The subsequent sewer connection permit provides the authorization from DEP to conduct the connection work. For more general information, visit Water and Sewer Forms.

If you are new to the sewer certification process, we encourage you to:

Rules Governing House/Site Connections to the Sewer System

Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York Chapter 31, Rules Governing House/Site Connections to the Sewer System was created to provide guidance as part of the uniform standards for applications for permits and the procedures for the construction and inspection of all proposed connections to the city sewer system.

Local Law 96 amends the New York City Administrative Code to establish the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) as the city datum. In response to the issuance of Local Law 96 and questions from applicants and consultants, DEP issued the following directive to clarify issues regarding the vertical datum with regards to submissions and construction drawings requiring DEP’s review and approval.

Sewer Design Standards

This book includes standards for sewers, manholes, catch basins, precast manholes, precast catch basins and sewer appurtenances. Those standards are used in the design of capital and private sewer projects.

House Connection Proposal Application & Guidelines

The House Connection Proposal form must be filed to obtain sewer certification for one, two, or three family dwelling units that are “fee simple” (i.e., the title holder has exclusive ownership of and rights to the property). These properties must also be:

As an exception, proposed siamese connections should be submitted using the House Connection Proposal application. All House Connection Proposals must be prepared by or under the supervision of a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect licensed by the State of New York.

A House Connection Proposal Site Plan is required when submitting House Connection Proposal applications. This template must be used to ensure all required items are included in the site plan.

Site Connection Proposal Application & Guidelines

The Site Connection Proposal form must be filed to obtain sewer certification for all developments that do not meet the criteria for House Connection Proposals. All Site Connection Proposals must be prepared by or under the supervision of a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect licensed by the State of New York.

A Site Connection Proposal Site Plan is required when submitting Site Connection Proposal applications. This template must be used to ensure all required items are included in the site plan.

New York City Stormwater Manual

The New York City Stormwater Manual includes steps to calculate the required storage volumes and release rates. This document explains how to determine the required detention facility volume. The calculation is required in a House Connection or Site Connection Proposal application that includes a proposed detention facility.

There are a number of appendices which are provided to assist in the process of calculating required storage volumes and release rates. View the Appendices to the New York City Stormwater Manual.

Template for Affidavit in Lieu of Draft Prospectus for Condominiums or Homeowners Association

This template is required as a supporting document in House Connection Proposal and Site Connection Proposal applications when an applicant is proposing a Condominium or Homeowner's Association. Any modification to the language in this template is subject to approval by the DEP Legal Department.

Deed Restriction Template

This sample deed restriction template must be used by property owners who are constructing more than one building on a lot with a common connection to the sewer. A copy of the deed restriction must be submitted to obtain sewer certification. This template is for guidance only and may be modified based on your specific requirements. However, consult the DEP Legal Department if a substantial deviation from the template is required.

Specifications for Drill-in/Coring of Brick Sewers

This document provides specifications for reference by Professional Engineers/Registered Architects who are developing a House Connection Proposal or Site Connection Proposal, if proposing to conduct drill-in/coring to a brick sewer.

House and Site Connection Self-Certification Programs

We offer a self-certification program to expedite the process of obtaining sewer certification. Self-certification is limited to projects with certain characteristics. Applications filed for self-certification that do not meet the eligibility requirements will be rejected and required to go through the regular sewer certification process.

Self-Certified House Connection Proposal

You must select Self-Certified and HCP on the Combined Site and House Connection Proposal Application Form to obtain sewer certification for one, two, or three (3) family dwelling units that are “fee simple” (i.e., the title holder has exclusive ownership of and rights to the property). These properties must also be (a) without commercial use; (b) with individual connections to existing sewers fronting the property; and (c) without any “common” drainage facilities (i.e., drainage facilities connected to another dwelling unit). All Self-Certified House Connection Proposals must be prepared by or under the supervision of a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect licensed by the State of New York.

Self-Certified Site Connection Proposal

You must select Self-Certified on the combined Combined Site and House Connection Proposal Application Form to obtain sewer availability certification for all developments that do not meet the criteria for House Connection Proposals. All Self-Certified Site Connection Proposals must be prepared by or under the supervision of a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect licensed by the State of New York.

Sewer Connection Permit Applications

All sewer service permits should now be filed online through the Permit and Review Information System (PARIS). If you are not already registered, visit PARIS and follow the instructions to create an account and profile. Please contact the PARIS Support Line at 718-595-3088 or email with any questions or download the PARIS Water/Sewer Permit Applications User Manual.

Installing Single/Multiple Premise(s) Sewer House Connection(s)

A Licensed Master Plumber must file a Permit Application to Install Single/Multiple Premise(s) Sewer House Connection(s). The application must also have a Certification of a Site Connection Proposal or House Connection Proposal or approval of a Building Department Alteration Repair Application before submitting this application. You will also need a copy of the valid New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) work permit. The Building Identification Number (BIN) on the work permit must match the BIN on the Site or House Connection Proposal.

Note: You will also be required to apply for a plug permit for any existing sewer connections for which there is no record of a plug.

In addition, you must also submit the following documentation if applicable: