Town Planning Legislation in India

Certain planning legislation introduced in different parts of India, before independence. There is no continuity or uniformity in the legislations of various States. Different States had different provisions for town planning measures either under the Municipal Acts or under special enactments, such as City Improvement Trust Acts or Town Planning Acts. It is only after independence that all the States are putting their heads together to evolve a common policy on town and country planning matters. With the growth of urban problems, the municipalities utterly failed to respond to the changing situations.

The work involved in planning, improvement and extension of towns was so complex and great that the municipalities were unable to carry on these works effectively. There were reasons for their failure. Firstly, due to ignorance and disunity, secondly, lack of imagination and interest, thirdly, lack of trained personnel and sufficient funds and fourthly, lack of legal backing to effectively implement town planning schemes and projects. As a result, overcrowding, congestion, deterioration and haphazard development have seen in most of our cities and towns. However, certain enlightened States enacted special acts enacted and they give an idea as to the measures taken and the efforts made by government, though in a very limited way, to improve the living conditions of the people in urban areas and guide the future growth of the urban centres in a planned manner. The main town planning acts include;

Town planning acts in India

Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016

This act is to provide for the promotion of planned development and regulation of growth of urban and rural areas in the State with focus on scientific spatial planning and to secure to their present and future inhabitants, sanitary conditions, amenity and convenience and for other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This act was revised in 2019.